Rose hips are chock full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Their oil is amazing for your skin and hair, containing anti aging qualities for your skin and can promote hair growth. I wanted the focus of this oil to be my hair – all my curls love oil as part of my hair routine. I …
Farm Life 2020
What a year 2020 was! It appears that no one was immune to the disruptive course of the year. I, like so many, found myself dealing with a vast number emotions. I found myself floating on the river of life having to trust my body to keep me, while I went with the current and …
Thoughts While Farming
When I farm I often have times that are quiet, times where I am doing repetitive tasks or things that allow my brain to wander. A year ago I often thought about how everything is connected. About how fungi create massive networks across my farm sharing nutrients from one end to another. About ways of …
A Long Absence
So much has happened since I last wrote anything. I had many intentions to write on some of the things that have been occurring but then I had a loss in my family. That lead to making an emergency trip home to say good bye and help clean and put away the things that were …
Week 18 on the Farm
2020 Autumn Edition It has been so long since I did a weekly update. The summer was so full, we had a farm visitor who helped with so many things! Then sadly, toward the end of the summer I hurt my back (Im actually still healing). It was pretty debilitating but I am becoming more …
Seed Saving – Basil
Basil is delicious and I love growing it in the summer, I also like to grow from seed as it is less expensive and if you start saving seeds you can close a loop. Saving seeds means that those seeds are ready for your garden, they know your soil and they know your weather conditions. …
Seed saving – green beans
I usually let my bean pods dry on the plant, and then cut the plant just above the roots. Before I get to work removing the seeds I like to grab a cup of tea. I then remove the pods from the plant and start popping the seeds out. When I get them all out …
And then we went lockdown
I have not posted in a long time, summer was so busy and then I hurt my back and couldn’t even sit. It turns out I have a prolapsed disc and it is taking so long to heal. I felt a little like I was social isolating due to my back and now I am …
Pig update
Well a lot has happened since we have had the pigs on the farm. Sadly we lost the runt pig who just could not catch up. We did everything possible to try and help her and it was heart wrenching when she finally succumbed. One of the things we tried to do was separate her …
Week 46 and 47 on the Farm
2019 Spring Edition So much has happened both on and off the farm that I haven’t been able to catch up on these updates. That is why this time I am combining weeks. Week 47 marked our second anniversary on the farm. Now I am entering my third growing year and while I have been …