Farm News

Week 46 and 47 on the Farm

2019 Spring Edition

So much has happened both on and off the farm that I haven’t been able to catch up on these updates. That is why this time I am combining weeks. Week 47 marked our second anniversary on the farm. Now I am entering my third growing year and while I have been running around a lot I am trying to take time to think about all the changes that have taken place on the farm since we moved in. This is a main facts post and I am hoping that once the garden is officially moved into summer I will have a short breather space just in time for Christmas… Or not

In Animal News

In week 46 we said goodbye to one of our whiteface heifers. She went off to be grown on another farm and then we were down to three head of cattle. While, the plan was for her to be sold it was a bit sudden, I got the call and she was picked up within 10 minutes. I was surprised that our milk cow was so chill about the whole thing. She is a super quiet cow anyway but this felt too good to be true I though surely when it comes time to wean her other calf she will be ok…

Then week 47 we got two new calves to put on our cow. It was a quick turnaround I received a call in the evening and calves arrived the next morning. This meant I had to separate the other calf. What a lot of drama that was. I set up some electric lines way down in the back corner and moved her and our dairy heifer down there. That calf was not having any of it. She got out and I put her back and tried to reinforce the line. She got out again and she was put in a paddock on the other side of the house. She either jumped a fence or charged through the nine wire batton fence! Finally, I stuck her in a paddock with posts and rails, she stayed put. The amount of noise these two are making is enough to drive one to distraction. The good news is the calves are being fed without too much issue, so far. Hopefully a few more days and everything will settle down.

Whats Growing

My roses are almost all in bloom I love them! I have never had a rose garden before but now I do. I inherited three rose bushes when I moved to the farm and have added four more. Still a work in progress but a beautiful work this time of year! I would have had lots of pics but for some reason they wont load…

With all the pandemonium I had hardly anytime in the garden this week but I still managed to plant out some tomatoes, peppers, and kumera (New Zealand sweet potato). Its nice to see my garden slowly working into its summer form. Bring on summer foods and quick!

Speaking of finally getting my garden transitioned to summer, I am collecting seeds that need to finish drying for my fall/winter garden. So far I have kale, kohlrabi (green), sprouting broccoli, purple cabbage, and mazuna. Here’s to an excellent fall/winter garden grown from seed!

What I Learned

I learned that weaning is no joke!

The end


On the farm we grow animals, a garden, orchards, a forest, and experience. Follow along while I learn all the things required to care for and grow food. Lessons are learned mistakes are made but at the end of the day I wouldn't have it any other way

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