2019 edition
Today I am going to share what happened last week on the farm. Spring is really here the temperatures while chilly are not freezing and a fair bit of rain still making it hard to want to get outside. Daylight savings happened, funny thing is my animals didn’t get the memo and I just have to go out about the same time old time. I’ll have to figure out how to sort myself out with now the time has changed. There has been quite a bit going on; new animals, disappointment, growing, and trying something new. So read on to see some highlights and lowlights of the 39th week of the year on the farm.
In animal news.
First the good news, we have pork seeds little tiny pork seeds. They arrived on Saturday all six of them. This meant preparing the way for them. Set up was not to big water, bedding, and moving the cows out of the paddock. While they are still a little skittish they are already coming out to eat while I stand just outside the sty. We are also preparing them for life in the forest by bringing them rotten logs everyday to snout through.
Six little pigs Look at her she doesn’t even care You got this mama hen
Now the not so good news, our duck abandoned her nest, no fluffy ducklings yet. Such a let down when I was looking forward to them… Sometimes this is life on the farm. Not wanting to be too discouraged I set 15 eggs under our broody hen and she has been sitting on them diligently.
Whats growing
I have not spent much time in the garden this past week (more rain than I would like). I did, however, manage to sow a whole list of plants. Things like squash, watermelon, and beans. My baby peppers, tomatoes and basil all got re-potted this week, even the ones that might not make it thanks to the snails. I am so excited to see them growing. After last year, the year of no peppers, I hope this year will be plentiful. I have many plans for them.
Many of our fruit trees are blooming and green leaves are appearing. Those beautiful baby green leaves, they make spring glow.
Trying something new
I found myself with a whole lot of not so nice apples (of course this is before we had pigs) and I decided to try my hand at making apple cider vinegar (ACV). I followed the recipe I found on the home brewers association website. I use ACV for animal and human health a lot and I am nearly out. If this works I will be incredibly happy if it does not then I will learn something from it I’m sure.
What I learned
I was so excited to learn two weather related sayings that are particular to New Zealand. This is something I have been trying to do since I moved here! Without further adieu…
As the days get longer the winds get stronger
Rain before seven fine by eleven
I loves these kinds of sayings so if there is anyone out there that knows more please do share them