2020 Autumn Edition
It has been so long since I did a weekly update. The summer was so full, we had a farm visitor who helped with so many things! Then sadly, toward the end of the summer I hurt my back (Im actually still healing). It was pretty debilitating but I am becoming more mobile and more capable. As if it wasnt enough the world went topsy turvy. I am so fortunate to have what I have here. Not a whole lot has changed for us, plants grow and animals need care no matter what is going on in the world.
In Animal News
We ended up with two bobby calves just before we went into lockdown. These little calves are very cute and my son has been in charge of caring for them doing morning and afternoon feeding everyday. This week one of the calves got a little bloated. He went off his milk a little in the evening and he was very rounded on the side. The next morning he was still a little off his milk feed so I gave him a tablespoon of oil. That evening he had almost no milk at all, I was a little worried but the next morning he was back to his perky little self. Hurray
Im not sure what is going on but our turkey Mr T is looking a little under the weather. I have added some garlic to the feed and will keep this up for a few days. If he wasnt so difficult to catch I would have caught him and put him somewhere safe to try and nurse him a little. I will also add some herbs and hope… This is certainly one of the hardest things about having animals
Whats Growing
Its a busy time in the garden as I change out all my warm weather crops for cold resistant plants. I grew everything from seed and while I have been slowly transitioning over the past four weeks, this week I planted kohlrobi in between my kale I also put in some brussel sprouts. I have peppers left in the garden and I think I will move them to the green house and maybe put some inside I really want to overwinter these guys. Spring onions are sprouting like mad. Given that its been a while since I talked about the garden here is a bunch of pics of my garden
Some exciting things are the single strawberry trying to grow and my daughters avocado seed she planted this summer has sprouted. So much fun.
I have been harvesting seeds and the most recent was basil seeds, I made a post on how I save them and you can check it out here. Even more exciting than collecting seeds for my future garden, I harvested all the things I need to make salsa. It was delicious and I was over the moon!
What I Learned
Maybe this is a cheesy but this is my second fall with a rockin flower garden but looking at the flower garden and remembering this time last year I am convinced this is the best time of year for flowers!