Farm News

Week 44 on the Farm

2019 Spring Edition

The sun is shining and the days are warm. I plan on keeping this brief so I can bask in the sun and get stuff done. I also had a family member go to hospital making the blog slow to get moving but I’m here and this post has been worked on slowly.

In Animal News

The first lot of chicks have been set free. They are now roaming the chicken run chirping ever so happily. They are still so small that they can get under the fence in places and we must keep a keen eye out but so far so good.

I am a little concerned about Herswiney I have not managed to clear up her skin with DE and have applies some oil. Poor thing looks like she is not putting on weight. I will check how they are all growing soon. Such a shame to have one that is not doing as well as the others. I gave them all some charcoal and seaweed as a health boost and upped their feed.

Whats Growing

I saved my blueberry from the chickens, they seemed to be picking at the unripe fruit and I cannot have that. I also found a lemon tree with some new growth on it. I thought died last year and just had not got round to taking it out… Sometimes things just really want to live.

I planted more peppers because the slugs and snails eat all my other seedlings! I also planted Jerusalem artichokes as feed for people and animals. I finally planted some of my hydrangea cuttings and harvested one carrot.

Project News

We marked out the spacing for the south boundary fence I cannot wait to put the posts in. I have them all measured out ready to be pounded in. I am debating getting better wire

What I Learned

This week I learned that sometimes being slow to action is a good thing. That lemon tree is a prime example, it is alive again and growing. I do not know what caused it to look dead in the first place and I also do not know what caused it to start growing again but I do know that it is a little magical to me and I am so happy to see it. Of course being slow to action is not always the way to go there is a balance in there but that is a lesson for another week.

The End


On the farm we grow animals, a garden, orchards, a forest, and experience. Follow along while I learn all the things required to care for and grow food. Lessons are learned mistakes are made but at the end of the day I wouldn't have it any other way

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