Farm News

Week 42 on the farm

2019 Spring edition

In Animal News

Exciting times for the pigs this week. They all officially have names You can go here to read them all). I am not sure what everyone’s stance is when it comes to naming animals that are for the plate. I kind of feel that even if you do not give an animal a name you still refer to it as something… Which is sort of like its name. Ultimately, we do not mind naming things here and have a lot of fun doing so. We named five out of the six piglets then invited the awesome folks who follow the farm on Facebook and Instagram. There were some real classic and clever names but only one name could be chosen and Ham Solo won.

Having the sheep graze the flower garden (well the part that has yet to be planted) seems pretty lack luster. However, look at the before and after, such a wonderful job they did clearing weeds and fertilizing the ground. I know I am pretty happy to see this transformation

The chicks are growing so fast, some of them already have wing feathers coming in. The best news so far is that we still have a full 13 chicks, I really hope they all make it! Only two more weeks being separated then its time to join the others and that is when we will have to really keep an eye on them.

Whats Growing

I actually went and looked at my garden this week (ok I did look at it the other weeks but more in passing). I really looked at all the things I need to do, sighed, then went back inside. The garden is so overgrown with things going to seed. I have a lot to do in there and when the sun finally came out this weekend I got in there and planted out my tomatoes! Still so much more to do but I did something and it counts.

I already mentioned I had the sheep in the flower garden but whats even more exciting is the bachelor buttons I planted last week are sprouting so well. I also have a lot of sunflower seeds coming up. Most of the sunflowers are from my second year seed saving. I feel sunflowers are such rewarding plants. They are hardy and easy enough for me to save seed from. They are also really good as animal feed. I envision a wall of sunflowers in front of our deck and another wall to line part of our driveway. It will be magical.

Apple blossoms are out in force right now. They smell lovely and hold such promise for a future harvest. I do not know what varieties of apples I have but I know I have four apple trees.

I found foxgloves growing this year in the forest I have never seen it before. Foxglove is poisonous to livestock, however, mine stay away from it. I also make sure I move them quickly so they are never hungry enough to try things they would otherwise avoid. They are pretty though, they add a fun feature to the forest, something nicer than the stick piles and fallen trees.

Weather News

This week we received a lot of rain (more than usual) and big gusts of wind. There was flooding at the end of our road and a few more trees fell in the forest. I had the cattle in fallen tree corner (my nickname for the part of the forest where it seems like all the trees fall) I was concerned for them but I could not move them in that weather. They were not stuck solely in the forest, they also had access to clear areas and the edge of the forest. Even in the wind I went to check on them and the single wire that was keeping them in. The line was fine the first day and in the morning on the second day. When I moved them the afternoon of the second day, I found a tree (part of a tree about the size of a large branch) had fallen on the line. I do not know when it happened but I do know my girls are awesome for staying put. Thank you ladies.

Saying Goodbye

It is with deep sadness that I inform you of the death of my boots. I know it sounds silly being sad about boots but these boots where there for me when I needed good boots. Earlier this year I hurt myself and have been going to physio for it (much improved but still in the healing process). The boots I was using at the time only inflamed the area and I needed to find boots that would help the healing process. This is where these boots came in, they were so comfortable and fit so well.

They were like wearing slippers outside!

These boots were not intended to be used as roughly as I wore them and they really held up to a beating for a while. I wanted to get a new pair but Bogs footware no longer carry them see and if Im honest they did not last long enough for me to justify buying this pair again. Side note, I am not affiliated with them and they have not sent me anything, I just loved these boots. I have bought a different pair of boots and so far they seem nice but I have a challenge to the folks over at Bogs… Somehow find a way to make these boots rougher but just as cozy.

What I Learned

This week I had a deep and meaningful realization about myself. I have a really hard time every October. I get so incredibly homesick, I am missing autumn in the states, I am missing Halloween in the states, and I am missing the coming of the winter holidays. Yes I get holidays here but I am not into cooking big meals when it is hot and summer. I want to spend all my time outside (once the sun comes!). This is also the time when I have reached my limit on cold weather. I am a cactus not a fruit tree, I do my best living when its hot and dry. Now that I recognize this I will have to find ways of getting through this toughest month… Glad I have a year to work on this

The end


On the farm we grow animals, a garden, orchards, a forest, and experience. Follow along while I learn all the things required to care for and grow food. Lessons are learned mistakes are made but at the end of the day I wouldn't have it any other way

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