All the Projects Flower Garden In the Garden

The Flower Garden

The flower garden is well, not so much a flower garden more like a flower piece. When we moved in it was all dirt, flax, pampas, and a couple decorative trees. Since we have been here its been mostly weeds and weeds. However, a small section actually has flowers! I don’t have a plan exactly I’m just trying to build soil and put in as many lovely flowers as I can. Eventually I will lift and move things but I have never made a flower garden before and I must also admit I don’t know what “goes” together.

The first year we were here I covered almost he entire area with wood chips, and a small section with cardboard. The area I covered in cardboard I was able to plant out with flowers last spring. Some where clearance and many were from seeds I received as gifts or bought. I am touch and go with seeds but have done well enough to be able to add bits and pieces. Now that spring is basically here I can see we have some issues with water (so much rain!) and of course slugs and snails. I’m trying to sort the slugs with sourdough starter (this works like a beer trap, its the yeast) and the water issue I will just try and keep building up the soil for now.

This year I am simply going to work on extending the area I have planted and hopefully take out the pampas (so many people have said its really hard, so wish me luck!). I am most likely going to be putting some perennial vegetables in there, things like artichoke. I will also put herbs in there too; chives, cilantro (or coriander), thyme, oregano etc… I need more space in the garden for all the things I am hoping to plant this year. Which reminds me I want to make another vegetable garden, maybe next year??? For now there are flowers and they are alive, I hope to see some things come back up this year and look forward to being able to update you all on the amazing progress (or just any progress I make on this haha).


On the farm we grow animals, a garden, orchards, a forest, and experience. Follow along while I learn all the things required to care for and grow food. Lessons are learned mistakes are made but at the end of the day I wouldn't have it any other way

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