Basil is delicious and I love growing it in the summer, I also like to grow from seed as it is less expensive and if you start saving seeds you can close a loop. Saving seeds means that those seeds are ready for your garden, they know your soil and they know your weather conditions. …
Seed saving – green beans
I usually let my bean pods dry on the plant, and then cut the plant just above the roots. Before I get to work removing the seeds I like to grab a cup of tea. I then remove the pods from the plant and start popping the seeds out. When I get them all out …
Week 46 and 47 on the Farm
2019 Spring Edition So much has happened both on and off the farm that I haven’t been able to catch up on these updates. That is why this time I am combining weeks. Week 47 marked our second anniversary on the farm. Now I am entering my third growing year and while I have been …
Week 41 on the farm
2019 Spring edition What can I say about this week in general except that the mood swings of spring are hard. If the sun is out I want to be out. If the sun us behind clouds then I want to be inside. That makes things difficult with only one or two days of sun… …
Week 39 on the Farm
2019 edition Today I am going to share what happened last week on the farm. Spring is really here the temperatures while chilly are not freezing and a fair bit of rain still making it hard to want to get outside. Daylight savings happened, funny thing is my animals didn’t get the memo and I …