A time since past
I took this picture at the end of a stunning day in March 2018. It was the very end of summer, where the ending of the day is most delicious. We had only been on the farm for nearing 18 months at that point and I was visiting our new neighbor. Her house abutted the farm I mentioned in my previous picture story.
On this lovely day my daughter came to run around in the back yard. She saw a mob of heifer jerseys over the fence and started to in her best moos. They all answered the call, coming to the fence-line. There’s something about cattle along the fence line that make me smile, so I ran home to get my camera.
I took some pics of the girls, one of which became my first for license images (currently available here). At my daughters behest I took some pictures of her and as we walked back to our house I captured ‘Rural View’.
Since then, a piece of the neighboring farm was sold off and a house was built. Blocking this view. Which does not matter as they have updated much of the buildings. I’m so glad I was able to capture this moment while it lasted. It reminds me of the time before. When I knew the person running the farm and used to help out moving cattle. Behind this building is where I first learned to mother on calves, shortly after these pictures were taken.
If you love this image and wish to bring it into your home you can purchase it from our farm shop. Until next time, enjoy some of the other shots taken then and have a wonderful day.