Harvests In the Garden

Seed saving – green beans

I usually let my bean pods dry on the plant, and then cut the plant just above the roots. Before I get to work removing the seeds I like to grab a cup of tea. I then remove the pods from the plant and start popping the seeds out.

When I get them all out I put them on a tray for a couple of days to make sure theyre completely dry. Once dry I will put them in an envelope or jar depending on how many seeds I get. Its also good to know that all bean seeds are edible as dried beans, so I will likely put some aside for a dinner as I had a good amount and a few more pods still in the garden…


On the farm we grow animals, a garden, orchards, a forest, and experience. Follow along while I learn all the things required to care for and grow food. Lessons are learned mistakes are made but at the end of the day I wouldn't have it any other way

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