Happy New Year to all! I must admit I have not be overly diligent when it comes to writing, but that is something I will be looking to address this year… So here we are. My first post of the year and I felt it would be nice to share some of what we would like to accomplish. Side note: I am really only planned out till June because July is my new year. I know its not what people often do but it just makes sense living where I’m at. If you would like to know more of my thoughts on this try this one. Ok lets jump into it.
What will this year look like on the farm?
Cattle: We currently have one nurse cow (Coco Loco), a two year old steer (Dopey) and two steer calves (Gapples & Oreo). Dopey will be butchered in the fall, remind me to call the butcher soon so I can have my ideal date! We are considering bringing two more feeder calves on the farm around Apr-May. All going well we will overwinter 5 head of cattle.
Sheep: Our herd is down to four ewes, I chose not to lamb last year so that I could focus on other things and I’m glad I’m getting the break, but also I miss them. So somewhere between Apr – Jun I will definitely put a ram over the ewes… That means lambs around Aug – Oct!
Birds: Oh the birds, I really need to go through the chicken run and clear some stuff. I would like to hatch chicks this year but also don’t want to do much with them either. I don’t have a definitive for them except care for them and tidy up the run.
Vegetables: Very much in transition at the moment, the garden is nearly summer fit. My main focus this year is looking at our irrigation system (I won’t lie to y’all, I do this every year and haven’t quite got round to making repairs). I want to take some good notes and price everything out. The other thing that I will be looking to do is be more attentive and available. I actually spent a lot of time in things that were off farm. I enjoyed that time but I am definitely being shown in tangible ways how my time away has effected my life. I have refocused my efforts and am re-aligning to how what I hope to see and feel in my garden and my life.
Flowers: Here I want to share something I’m doing! I will be honest here, with you, I have had a difficult time sharing what I’m growing. Part of what I would like to experience this year, is what it’s like to create and share. Sooooooo, I am extending the flower garden (finally, I been wanting to for some time) AND I’m opening up this process in the form of a workshop: Garden Chats. Over the next few months, step by step, we will be creating a new garden bed. As I write this I have just announced it throughout my socials and as I write this I am filled with concerns for how it will turn out. I have a vision in my minds eye that is so lovely but I also know that this is the second workshop I have offered and the odds of it achieving what I envision likely has some differences.
Oh how sad it is to mention winter when I have only just stepped into summer, BUT… over the next couple months I will begin preparing for winter in urgency. Winter is so hard for me and feels like it lasts so long. I want my winter to be a whole vibe. I want warm meals, cozy nights, and a winter full of dreams. I am so fortunate to be able to grow over winter. This means that I will be sowing my autumn and winter seeds very soon, but first, I want to imagine what would make my winter bearable. Taking full advantage of the feeling of abundance, where anything is possible because of the summer, to dream.